Quilombo / [kiˈlõbu]: communities of active resistance, first established by afro-brazilians who escaped enslavement in colonial brazil.
Modern brazilian quilombos continue to be sites of active resistance, cultural, & ancestral land reclamation. In October of 2021, CRJ International Fellow Dana McIntyre and CRJ co-director Dr. Lyiscott, traveled to Brazil to study decolonial approaches to research with Afro-Brazilian communities, including The Quilombola Community Association of Engenho da Ponte. We are grateful to be in continued solidarity & community with the quilombola community.
The Center of Racial Justice, supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Fulbright-Hays--Group Projects Abroad Program, had an opportunity to lead 12 Black women educators to Ghana, West Africa. CRJ partnered with our teacher education program to provide an international experience for teachers in the region. This project, Teachers Becoming Learners of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Ghana, was a four-week short-term seminar project designed: to increase participating teachers’ knowledge and awareness of diversity through a study of linguistic and cultural heterogeneity in Ghana; to train teachers in the development of curriculum that supports the teaching of language and literacy in ways that deepen students’ content knowledge; sharpen students’ reading, writing, and critical thinking skills; to improve the holistic learning experiences of linguistically and culturally diverse students; and to promote cross-cultural and intellectual exchanges across national boundaries.